I have to admit that I did not know what a “2peat” was when James V said it to me on Sunday morning. I assume some of you do not know what it is either. So let me tell you: 1) it means winning something two times in a row; 2) James used it because Troop 9 won the Blue Ribbon for Best Overall Patrol at this past weekend’s Orange District Spring Camporee! James also led Troop 9 to win the Fall 2006 Orange/Mawat District Fall Camporee’s Blue Ribbon for Best Overall Patrol. A 2peat for sure!
James led Daniel R, James S, Will C, John P, Nathan H and Mark M in a two night campout for the Orange District Spring Camporee at the Orange County Speedway in Rougemont (12 miles East of Hillsborough). The campout’s centerpiece was an Iron Chef Competition, in which Scouts from Troops all over Orange County had 3 hours to prepare and serve a chicken main course, vegetable dish, potato dish and desert made from bananas to a panel of judges from the Orange District Committee. Without any adult leaders’ help - we had to leave! Good thing our boys practiced a few times! The scene was quite amazing. The results:
• Potato Latkes – Daniel R and Mark M – 1st Place
• Banana Ice Cream – John P and Will C – 2nd Place
• Snow Peas and Pineapple – James V and Nathan H – 2nd Place
• Dutch Oven Chicken Wings – James S – 2nd Place
• Overall Meal – preparation, cleanliness, complexity and presentation – 2nd Place
◦ clean dish towels at a three-bucket washing station, printed recipes, candle-lit table set with red, white and blue picnic-ware and American flags, Dutch Oven Hot Towels and Philmont Grace wallet card gifts for the judges.
The recipes can be found at http://t9ch.org/Docs/IronChef.html
The Scouts also led a timed pancake preparation/cooking/carrying competition in the morning for all Troops to participate in. This generated a large pile of pancakes to be used in a Guinness World Record attempt for pancake flipping, but we MISSED IT due to having to move our shelter canopy before the Iron Chef Competition started. We flipped the pancakes (at each other) as a Troop anyway, and everyone had a blast.
Later on Saturday, we led 44 Scout volunteers in singing “If I Weren’t a Boy Scout” and the assembled masses in singing “Zulu Warrior” at the campfire. The songs can be found at http://t9ch.org/Docs/06-07/CamporeeSongs.html
James S, Will C, John P, Nathan H and Mark crossed over a ceremonial bridge to Boy Scouting with about 80 other former Cub Scouts from Orange District Packs. They received beautifully decorated arrows from Jim Summers, the District Chairman.
This was followed by a flag retiring ceremony and ashes ceremony. As has become our custom, we added Troop 9 ashes to the fire and took ashes in the morning. We will update the "pedigree" history and distribute the ashes at the May Court of Honor. This was the first Boy Scout campfire for Nathan H, Will C and Mark M. You can see the ceremony and Troop 9's pedigree here http://t9ch.org/Docs/CampfireAshesPedigree.html
Daniel R, James V and Wayne V were selected to join the Order of the Arrow in an impressive torch-lit ceremony complete with an OA Ceremonial Dance; The Order of the Arrow is the BSA's national brotherhood of honor campers.
On Sunday morning, John P opened the assembly by leading the masses to call out “Good Morning Orange County – Good Morning Hillsborough – Good Morning Chapel Hill – Good Morning Carrboro” as loudly as they could. It was quite loud. I am certain you heard it if you were not in camp!
Daniel R led the Scouts’ Own program of spiritual readings and group songs. Daniel selected the passages to touch every Scout’s heart rather than appeal to any particular religious beliefs. James V lead the responsive reading and a silent observance. John P led two group songs and read the closing passage “an old Irish blessing”. Nathan H collected $236 in donations for the World Friendship Fund during the program. An old tradition in Scouting worldwide, A Scouts Own is not very know in our District. Troop 9’s presentation was very well received with many compliments from District Scouters. The program can be found at http://t9ch.org/Docs/06-07/ScoutsOwnBookletApril292007.pdf
Finally, the presentation of all the awards culminated in the Best Overall Blue Ribbon given to the Scouts of Troop 9. A 2peat.
Congratulations to all the Scouts and Scouters who participated.
YiS, the Scoutmaster
Trip Sheet Pictures