Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fall Camporee - Camp Reeves

Length: Two days
Crew: Four adults, four Scouts
Trip Sheet
Day One
We met at the church and drove to Camp Reeves and set up tents.
Day Two
We participated as a patrol in the orienteering contest and placed third overall.
We performed a flag retirement ceremony at the Saturday night campfire.
Day Three
The troop took first overall for the whole camporee.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Uhwarrie Panther Creek

Length: One day
Crew: Four adults, four Scouts
Trip Sheet
More Pictures
Day One
We met at the church, drove to the trailhead and repositioned cars. We hiked into the campsite. The boys worked on Orienteering merit badge.
Day Two
We hiked out on a beautiful climb over Dark Mountain. We drove back to the church.