Moose Lake - Wind Lake - Basswood Lake
9.5 Miles* - 2 portages
We woke up bright and early on our first day of paddling, knowing we'd have to get up every day on our trip at about the same time. (So jet lag actually helped) We went and picked up our life jackets, PFDs, and canoes, and set off into the Boundary Waters. We had our first two portages that day, both about a half mile, but they were probably the most physically strenuous on the entire trip, because they were steeper and had less shade than other portages the same length. We made it to the campsite before lunch, and found it to be something of a mosquito haven, worse than any we would go up against later in the trip. Despite that, we still managed to set up camp, get used to the cook gear and survive to the next day.