Basswood River - Horse River Horse Lake - Tin Can Mike Lake
13.5 Miles* - 9 Portages
We knew we'd be doing our longest portage, 340 rods or 1.1 miles, early that day, so we weren't that thrilled with it based on our experience with the portages back on day one. Fortunately, the long portage was flat and shady, although the bugs were bad. It seemed every hundred feet or so would be another mud hole with another several dozen mosquitos breeding in it. About halfway through, we stopped to take a break, reapply bug spray, and figure out where to go. We noticed a wrecked canoe that had presumably tried to go down the rapids we were portaging around. We had even more portages in the rest of that paddling day, totaling another mile of portaging. When we made it to the lake where we were supposed to camp, all the sites were taken, so we had to make another portage onto the next lake to take a site there. This was our biggest day of the trip, as we traveled 12 miles total and almost 2 miles of portaging. That night, right after we had all gotten into a sleeping bags, we were woken up by cries of "Moose!" It was across the lake, so all we saw (fortunately, considering stories of moose in camps) was a brown blotch, or a brown moose shaped blotch through binoculars.