Wind Lake - Moose Lake
3.5 Miles* - 1 Portage
Because we were so close to the base and couldn't get in until 3 pm, we hung around the campsite until 1:30, with the boys canoeing out to larger rocks in order to swim, sleep and sunbathe. We still took it nice and slow for the last little bit of canoeing, but when we landed at base, things got a little bit hectic again. We had to take the canoes and paddles and life jackets to the racks we got them from, check in the food and equipment crates and packs, put some of our gear back in the car, get some toiletries and such out of the car, and get ready to spend the night in the cabins, which were much nicer than the ones we spent the first night in, complete with bunk beds, a light, and a heater (Which we did not use). After that, we all got a chance to hang around in the sauna for as long as we could stand it, and eat another meal at base. In the evening, we had Rendez-vous, a voyageur tradition when they got to talk with old friends for the first time in a while and meet other fellow voyageurs. We and the two or three other crews coming in on that day shared songs, skits (Which we had to come up with), and stories from our trips. After it officially ended, we could look a bit more at the historical setup outside of base, mess with bear traps, play a game from the era, or try throwing tomahawks. Once we got tired of that, we just headed back to the cabins to sleep and prepare for the trip home tomorrow.