Saturday, July 06, 2002
Northern Tier Day Zero
We arrived at the camp a bit earlier than we were supposed to, 12:30 instead of 1:00, so we had a little bit of time to hang around and wait for the staff to come off lunch break. Once they did, we had a brief talk on Voyageur history before meeting our interpreter, Matt. He showed us around the base a little. The first place he took us was to the cabins we'd be sleeping in that night: small hexagonal cabins with four beds and four cots to sleep in. Once we had our things set up for the night, he took us to pick up all of our supplies and packs: two food packs, one equipment pack with cooking gear, and three packs to hold all of our personal gear. After that, we had a little bit of time to wait and check out the trading post before dinner, which was better than standard Scout camp fare, but nothing special.